Put your brand in front of thousands of people at Downtown Jasper’s premier live event.

Over 4,000 people attended Downtown Live events last year. This is your opportunity to get your brand seen by business and community leaders, and the citizens of north Georgia. Sponsorship packages start at just $250, which includes placement at all 4 events.

Vendors: Set up a booth, food truck, or both and capture the attention of Downtown Live attendees.

A very special THANK YOU to all of your sponsors. This would not be possible without your generosity!

Ready to Sponsor?

Please complete this form and we’ll make it happen.

Note: All sponsorships and vendors are subject to approval by Downtown Live.

Vendor booths and Food Trucks:

  • Locations are first-come, first-served. You will select your location in order of which your payment is received.

  • $150 per event for vendors, $100 per event for businesses located in the “Closure Zone”.

  • Red or white topped 10' x 10' tent. You can have sides on your tent if you wish.

  • Vendor booths will have electricity supplied by a rented generator. It is each vendor's responsibility to supply an extension cord to connect to the generator power supply. We recommend at least a 100 ft cord to be safe.

  • Vendors and Food Trucks may begin setup at 3:30pm on event day. You should be ready to serve attendees promptly at 5pm.

  • All sidewalks must remain clear to comply with the City of Jasper’s ADA requirements. Restaurants which already have authorization for seating and tables outside their businesses may continue to do so, provided they do not block pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks.

  • Main Street businesses and all vendors will have all employees and staff park in off-site/designated parking areas on day of event.

Food Truck Vendors:
As of January 1, 2023, permits for food trucks operating from their county of origin will be recognized in outside counties as long as they have applied for and received authorization to operate from the local health department where their home base or commissary is located.  The permitted home base or commissary is the only location where wastewater is able to be discharged/dumped and water tanks refilled.  The City of Jasper requires proof of active permit/authorization to operate from their home base a minimum of 48 hours prior to a scheduled event.